Friday, April 16, 2021

Painting with the Kids

 When the lockdown started last year, my son suddenly developed high-grade fever followed by intense coughing. COVID tests were really scarce then and we were scared to go to a hospital. We gave him paracetamol every 4 hours but the fever kept coming back. We had no choice but to bring him to the ER where he was diagnosed with acute respiratory infection and sent home to continue meds. When he and hubby arrived home, he had watery poop. His former pedia said to treat him as if he had COVID. We had no yaya then and my senior citizen MIL was helping us out so we had to send her to my SIL's house so she won't catch what my son had. I became mommy, yaya, cook, lavandera and cleaning lady for 2 weeks so I didn't have the luxury of bingeing on Netflix, decluttering, or taking up a new hobby like the rest. It was the longest 2 weeks of my life and while we never found it if it was COVID, I am now grateful that we managed to survive it.

Alas, we are back on lockdown and mercifully, none of my kids are sick. I finally have the time and mental head space to open the big box of crafts my friend sent my kids last Christmas pa. We discovered that my kids like to paint. Well, more of my daughter, who has appropriated a big box of crayons and markers supposedly gifted to her brother.

Here are my son's works:

While here are my daughter's works:


The 2 year old is more masipag when called to paint and I looove how she splashes around her colors with wild and determined strokes. Not a fan of the mess though after LOL. #

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