Tuesday, August 17, 2021

State of the Balcony update

I recently did a mini-clean up of my plants in the balcony because hubby has been complaining that I have too much plants *sob*. While my ampalaya plant has been growing with lush leaves, it was not producing fruits anymore so I decided to uproot it. I might do the same to the okra plant which is barely living which means I no longer have vegetable plants. 

I've decided that I will just get flowering plants instead. I ordered a dwarf kalachuchi plant and a small sampaguita plant. The kalachuchi arrived with one flower and while it is still alive, it has not bloomed again. Yikes.

I was a tad worried if the sampaguita will survive because the balcony only gets maybe two hours of direct morning sun. It is still alive though and has bloomed several flowers that I pluck, smell, and place in our tiny altar.

Before the monsoon rains, my trailing plants had a blast growing and showing off. I've made cuttings and propagated them.

I also bought African turtle vine which are the ones hanging from the railing and I shall photo them up close some other time. I think they stopped growing when it was raining all the time. They like the sun too much.

Finally, here's a bonus shot of the sitting area with the solar lights I bought from Lazada. 😀




Grade One

 Here's a mom post for the mom part of "plantitamom". 😁

My firstborn officially started Grade One yesterday. Actually, school started last Wednesday but it was all orientation stuff. His new school is using Google Classroom and we have to familiarize ourselves with it because in Kinder last year we used Zoom and Seesaw. We also have to adjust with waking up early (6:15 A.M.) and of course the Mommy has to wake up early also. I've been accompanying him so far to teach him how to click links as they switch through classrooms.

I am so relieved that I am done studying but also feel bad for my son because frankly, virtual classes for someone so young, sucks (for lack of a better word). School is 50% interacting with friends and even frenemies and he is so missing out on it. He only had a year of face to face school before the pandemic happened. I feel more sorry for my 2-year old daughter, one time we went out and it was raining hard so I carried her and used an umbrella. She started crying so hard like she was really frightened - I realized it was her first time to be out in a downpour under an umbrella. 😔

Anyway, P has a really small class as there are only 10 of them. So far the "real" classes we've had are Music and PE. I can see that the teachers also find it difficult to get the kids' attention especially when they all start talking at the same time. At least in a classroom there's that special teacher look that can make kids go quiet just. like. that.

I was a total nerd growing up and graduated with honors. That said though, I will really really REALLY  try not to go all Tiger Mom mode on my kids. They're free to discover where or what they're good at. My only prayer is that they don't flunk out, to get a college degree, and have a job that would give them a comfortable life. Whoa, thinking so far when we've only just begun with Grade One. LOL.  #